Engineering myths: Busted!
India is home to an exceptionally large number of engineering colleges and resulting from this, a huge number of engineers. Although, engineering is one of the most popular and sought after professions in our country, multiple misinformed beliefs are held about this discipline. Pune, also known as a student city has numerous engineering colleges. Engineering colleges in Pune and the engineers who graduate from these, can serve as testaments to the falsehood of most views maintained about engineers. This article is to shake up some of the myths lingering around engineering as a profession and misplaced perceptions of engineers. Let’s take a look at some of these: Myth #1: If you are an engineer or one in the making, you are eligible to fix all household appliances like fans, fridges, the television set etc. Myth Buster : It is true that engineers are responsible for making miraculous inventions like the television and the mobile phone, but for all those people wh...