Answering your frequently asked questions about IT engineering

As an aspiring engineer looking to join one of the best engineering colleges in Maharashtra or elsewhere, the advice you got was to pursue a traditional specialisation. Since courses like Computer Science, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, etc. are the oldest disciplines, it is assumed that the job security and salary in these disciplines are high. While the assumptions are correct to some extent, other non-traditional engineering disciplines offer the same. One such is IT engineering. It is no secret how massive India’s IT industry is. A study states that India’s IT industry contributed around 7.7 per cent to the country’s GDP in 2018 and is expected to contribute 10 per cent of India’s GDP by 2025. Therefore, it makes sense to pursue a career in the IT industry. But what is IT engineering? What is its scope and career prospects? We have answered these frequently asked questions about IT engineering. Let’s get started. 1. What is IT engineering? B. ...