How do I prepare for engineering entrance examinations in Maharashtra?

Engineering is perhaps one of the most popular education choices in India. Every year, millions of students appear for engineering entrance exams. Some of the popular tests include JEE Mains, JEE Advanced, SITEEE, VITEEE, MHCET, and BITSAT. Maharashtra is home to some of the best engineering colleges in the country. Here are some tips to help you crack the entrance tests and get admission to the best engineering college in Maharashtra

Coaching Classes

It is important to enrol on some sort of coaching class to prepare for these entrance tests. They are unlike any other examination you may have given previously and are some of the toughest exams in the country. If you decide to prepare on your own, you will definitely encounter some theories or questions that you cannot understand on your own, and you need to seek outside guidance. 

A coaching class will help you avoid these roadblocks and make your preparation easier and more efficient. It is important to clear your doubts regularly instead of prolonging them for long periods of time. There are many coaching classes available to help you get admission to one of the top engineering colleges in Pune. 

Time Management

Make a routine and a weekly plan to achieve your studying goals. Make a timetable that is not extremely difficult to adhere to and make it according to your capabilities. Not every student is able to study for long hours without breaks in between so do not copy a timetable online or from a friend. 

Make sure to allocate enough time for rest and recreation. Practice your hobbies in your free time, play sports, watch movies, listen to music, and try to maintain a good social life. At the same time, make sure that your timetable is efficient and utilises your time in a way that will benefit you.


Although your schedule may be packed as you learn new topics almost every other day, make a point to keep revising old topics. Do not start studying old topics just because the exams are nearing. Keep revising old topics from the 11th and 12th syllabus.

Mock tests and Sample Papers

Another important thing to do is practice solving papers. Many mock tests and sample papers are available online and in the market. Keep solving these papers and understand the pattern. Many entrance exams have negative marking. Try and solve the papers while timing yourself to get better prepared for the real exam. 


Following these tips will boost your chances of getting admission to a good engineering college.

SIT is one of the best engineering colleges in Pune, offering some excellent engineering courses in different disciplines.


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