
Showing posts from March, 2020

An introduction to the branches of Engineering

Some of the top engineering colleges in Pune or other cities offer a variety of branches that students can choose from in their engineering degrees. Engineering degrees can be usually pursued at both the bachelor's and master's levels. Engineering is one of the most in-demand fields of study of all time. In India alone, each year almost 15 lakh engineers graduate from college. Given the massive number, it is essential to choose a good branch as it sets one apart from the crowd. Here are few of the branches one can usually choose from: 1.Mechanical Engineering: This traditional branch has been offered in degrees for many years. It teaches students the fundamental principles of mechanical physics and the working of complex machines. One can pursue careers in several industries such as manufacturing, production design, systems management among several others. 2.Computer Engineering: This is one of the most recent and in-demand branches of engineering. Students learn va...

Engineering - Your vision, our mission

“The ideal engineer is a composite … He is not a scientist, he is not a mathematician, he is not a sociologist or a writer, but he may use the knowledge and techniques of any or all of these disciplines in solving engineering problems.”   —Nathan W. Dougherty Engineering is a branch of science that deals with the creation of ideas into reality. It is the perfect combination and implementation of science and math, to put up the best of human-made structure. There are various fields in engineering, which has a lot of different types of engineers who work on building everything from the smallest chip of an electronic device, to the tallest building in the world. They take complete responsibility for anything that is physically visible to the human eyes, may it be roads, houses, transport medium, software, etc. etc. Top colleges in Pune, Mumbai, Chennai and other cities are doing a great job by sending out a few of the most efficient engineers which the country needs. The st...